Curriculum Information and Plans
Love God, Love One Another
We deliver a curriculum which enables every child to make progress and develop a life long love of learning.
Please ask your child's class teacher if you require any specific information about their curriculum.
RE we follow The Way, The Truth, The Life scheme of work
RSE we follow The Journey in Love scheme of work
Maths we plan using the White Rose Scheme of work. learning is based on the 3 aims: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our teaching and learning allows the children to explore concepts, grow in confidence and deepen their understanding.
Writing we plan to ensure progression and coverage of the curriculum throughout the school and are driven by the purpose for writing. Where possible the teachers plan and deliver the writing focus around the class book and/or topic. Quality texts are selected carefully and used as a stimulus giving them opportunites for the children to explore and be challenged.
Science we plan for each child to become confident enquirers, developing their curiosity and making connections in their understanding by what they learn, understand, observe, test and research. The children look into current and past scientific learning and its implications for the wider world.
Phonics scheme is ReadWriteInc. Click here for more information
Reading scheme is ReadWrite Inc, Oxford Reading Tree and we also have a lending library so that the children can take other books home to read and enjoy.
Foundation Subjects the subjects are planned and taught as individual subjects, please see the subject pages for further information.