Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Brierley
Love God, Love One Another
Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page!
Class Teacher- Miss Brierley
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Matthews
RE Overview
To see the overview of the R.E we will be covering this year please click here.
Two pieces of work (one literacy and one numeracy) will be given out each week. We are now using Classroom Secrets for our homework. If your child has forgotten/ lost their login details please let me know. This work will be set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Monday at the latest. Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday.
Reading books and reading days have been allocated; please encourage your child to read each night.Children must take their reading books home and bringing them into school each day. Please ensure you sign your childs reading record each time you hear them read.
If you need a reminder for your login details please message Miss Brierley on Class Dojo.
Our P.E. days are on Tuesday and Thursday, children should come to school in their full school uniform and bring their P.E kits in a bag ready to get changed into. P.E kits can be left in school.
P.E. Kit – Blue or black shorts (not cycling shorts), blue or black joggers for the winter, a plain white top and trainers/black pumps.
Class Dojo
Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo. We use this regularly and will be able to update you all on our exciting learning. We also use this as a means of communication.
Files to Download
Year 5: Calendar items
Y5 Class Assembly, by Mrs Richardson
Parents' Evening, by Mrs Richardson
Flu Jabs for Children, by Mrs Richardson