Local Offer
Love God, Love One Another
Teaching and Learning
What additional support can be provided in the classroom?
What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning? (This may include support from external agencies and equipment/facilities)
Staff specialisms/expertise around SEN or disability
What ongoing support and development is in place for staff regards supporting children and young people with SEN?
What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments and support to the child during tests and SATs?
Additional support is provided by the class teaching assistant to support with interventions.
1 to 1 support is offered when applicable and funding is in place.
Lancasterian School/The Grange and other professionals ensure that the school is adequately supported in a variety of areas.
The SENCo / Head and SLT are trained appropriately The SENCO SLT teacher is trained in CCET to test the children in order to assess the correct programmes for them.
There is access to current and specialised continuing professional development from a variety of agencies including Lancasterian and Healthy Schools.
Tests and SAT tests- If children require extra time / support/specific test papers then all reasonable adjustments are made for testing in school. Externally marked tests (SATs) - permission is sought from the relevant authorities to support the child.
Annual Reviews
What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?
What arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs?
Annual reviews are in place and also more frequent reviews if required by the programme/intervention being delivered.
Parents are notified of review dates and invited to attend alongside other professionals that are involved with the child
Feedback is given to parents of children with SEN at regular intervals and also when a programme has concluded so that the next steps can be discussed.
Keeping Children Safe
How and when will a risk assessment be done? Who will carry out the risk assessment?
What handover arrangements will be made at the start and end of the school day? Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?
What arrangements will be made to supervise a child during breaks and lunchtimes?
How do you ensure my child stays safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons and school trips)
Where can parents find details of policies on bullying?
Risk assessments are carried out for every child with a specific medical/physical/diagnosed need. These are carried out by the SENCo and by professionals involved with the child and the parents.
Handover arrangements for Nursery to Year 4 start of the day are to the members of staff and at the end of the day to the Parent/Carers
Years 5 and 6 at the start of the day go straight into the classroom and then are released to the Parent/Carers at the end of the day. They may (if an agreement has been made with the parent ) walk home on their own.
Children are supervised by either teaching/teaching assistant staff in the morning play times and by Lunchtime organisers at lunchtime. If a child has a specific need then they may be supervised individually if this was required.
Risk assessments for P.E and school trips take place and ensure the safety of all children in these situations.
All policies for SEN and bullying are found on the school website.
Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
What is the school’s policy on administering medication?
How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?
What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency
How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?
Which health or therapy services can children access on school premises?
Medication will be administered if a medical protocol is in place for the child.
Care plans are drawn up with the professionals and parents. All staff are made aware of the plan and meet with medical professionals in order to ensure that all are aware of the needs of specific children and what to do to help them if required.
In the case of a medical emergency then the relevant emergency procedures will be put into place, the relevant emergency services will be contacted and the parent informed immediately.
Medical professionals brief the staff on the needs of specific children and how to deal with their needs. The School Nurse and other Health Professionals are available for consultation as and when required.
Children can access emotional health and wellbeing support and therapeutic inclusion therapies at all times as staff in the school are trained to support them.
Communication with Parents
How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child?
Do parents have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an Open Door policy?
How do you keep parents updated with their child’s progress?
Do you offer Open Days?
How can parents give feedback to the school?
All parents/carers can approach the class teachers and also the SENCo – appointments can be made to speak about their concerns at any time.
Members of staff will make themselves available if the need arises to deal with a situation or if information needs to be passed on. Senior Management endeavour to offer an open door policy and are available to meet parents/carers regularly.
Progress is reported at Parents Evenings and through an annual report. Children with a plan will also have an annual review.
Targets are sent home and parents are welcome to ask at any point for up to date information on their child’s progress.
Open mornings take place in the EYFS-all parent/carers are welcome.
Questionnaires are sent out annually to Parents but also they are welcome at any time to offer ideas or give feedback to the Senior Leadership Team.
Working Together
Do you have home/school contracts?
What opportunities do you offer for children to have their say? e.g. school council
What opportunities are there for parents to have their say about their child’s education?
What opportunities are there for parents to get involved in the life of the school or become school governors?
How does the Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting their families? (e.g. health, social care, voluntary groups)
We have home school contract that are signed at the beginning of every academic year.
Children have a voice in a variety of ways-School Council, Mini Vinnies and through an open door policy to the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
Parents can discuss with the Senior Leadership Team or on questionnaires about how their child is progressing and also anything that they would like the school to do ( after school clubs etc)
Parents can get involved with any of the special events that are held in the year and are very welcome at masses and assemblies. If they wish to be a school governor then this must be through the Parish Priest and the Diocese.
What Help and Support is available for the Family?
Do you offer help with completing forms and paperwork? If yes, who normally provides this help and how would parents access this?
What information, advice and guidance can parents access through the school? Who normally provides this help and how would parents access this?
How does the school help parents with travel plans to get their child to and from school?
Parent Liaison and Parenting work is offered by the Head and Deputy Headteacher and two teaching assistants with a remit for parenting and groups.
Parents are signposted to other agencies by the SLT in order to access support. We have close links with the parish/pastoral work and can access support through the church for parents in need of they so wish.
Travel plans would be discussed through consultation.
Transition to High School
What support does the school offer around transition? (e.g. visits to the high school, buddying)
The children visit Saint Paul’s Catholic High School from Year 5 and are familiarised with the setting and some members of staff. They have some curricular experiences and opportunities ranging from Technology to P.E and Sports Days.
Extra Curricular Activities
Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school childcare? If yes, please give details.
What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer? Do parents have to pay for these and if so, how much?
How do you make sure clubs and activities are inclusive?
How do you help children to make friends?
After School Activities are offered ranging from music , creative arts and P.E.
They are free of charge and open to all- different year groups are offered different experiences every half term. These clubs and activities are inclusive in nature as children can access them at their own level and ability and build confidence in all areas.
Children are encouraged to make friends by the wealth of opportunities given to engage with each other and the work around PSHE and relationships. (playground buddies etc).Children are encouraged to discuss their feelings and to bond with each other through shared experiences.